I’m an artist, in the broadest, most distracted, procrastinating and scatter-brained sense of the word. I write, draw, play music, take photos, crochet stuff, and occasionally make videos, but I can’t seem to concentrate on one skill for long enough to get very good at it. The first and original aim of this blog, therefore, is to help me keep track of all the things I’m working on at a given time, and give me a bit of insight into the workings of my own creative process, so that I can maximise its potential, so to speak, and get better and my various hobbies.


Of course I mentioned procrastination, which is why most of the blog is in fact dedicated to stuff that has nothing to do with the aforementioned hobbies, and everything to do with feminism, mental illness, sex positivity, existential crises, political rants and my inexistant career. Sorry about that.

EDIT Feb 2016: I am also, as of three months ago, a mother. If you’re into “mommy blogs”, you can go to my other blog, Pickles and Muffins, which is as unlike a mommy blog as I can make it while still talking about motherhood, and feel better about your own parenting skills / convince your parents you’re better off not having kids.

4 responses »

  1. Pingback: Geek With a Pen

  2. Pingback: Childbearing: the ultimate creative act | I Like Pretty Colours

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